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Frankincense Attar

  • Frankincense Attar

Product Name: Frankincense Attar

Botanic Name: Boswellia Carterii


Frankincense attar is prepared through the Hydro-Distillation extraction process from the GUM of ancient sacred tree. Frankincense attar is an extremely rich, warm, exotic, and well rounded (not-strong) scent. It is superbly woody, earthy, and spicy with a subtle fruity note. As one of our best sellers you can be sure you'll love it! This attar is used for the mental peace and It can provide relief from stress, mental fatigue and mild depression. Frankincense is mentioned in the New Testament as one of the three gifts (with gold and myrrh) that the magi "from the East" presented to the Christ Child (Matthew 2:11).  Frankincense dispels malevolent, evil and distressing psychic forces. Improves memory and cleanses the aura. Ruling planet: Sun.

INGREDIENTS: Caprylic/Capric/FattyAcid/Frankincense Tears.

Mirza Mulla 15/03/2021

This one is must for attar lovers. I was hesitated to purchase but the fragrance made me buy it.

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