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Deer Antler Velvet Powder

  • Deer Antler Velvet Powder

Product Name: Deer Antler Velvet Powder

Botanic Name: Cervus Elaphus


Deer velvet covers the growing bone and cartilage that becomes deer antlers. Over thousands years, deer antler velvet has been used in Eastern and Chinese medicine practices to support general health, vitality, stamina, low libido, and bone health. Deer velvet contains multiple substances including the female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. It also contains substances that might help cells grow and function. People use deer velvet for athletic performance, high blood pressure, increasing sexual desire, asthma, and many other health conditions. Traditionally, it was consumed in slices, powder form, or as a tea or tonic. Today it is more common to find it in liquid extract or capsule form. 

Origin: Canada 

Deer Antler Velvet Powder

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