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Egg White Powder

  • Egg White Powder

Product Name: Egg White Powder


The main ingredient in egg white is super protein. Egg white contains Vitamins A,  E, Biotin, and Fol-ate, these nutrients researchers believe for hair growth and healthy hair. Egg white face masks believe that this protein has skin-tightening effects and absorbs excess oil from the skin. Egg whites also prevent acne, pimples and cysts on the skin. If you have large pores or acne-prone skin, egg whites help close pores and get rid of build up.

  • Egg whites are said to clarify pores and hair follicles that make too much sebum.
  • Egg white masks are also super versatile.
  • Egg white as a hair mask on their scalp and locks to repair damage and reverse hair loss.
  • Egg white strengthens hair, promotes growth, and fights dandruff.
  • Egg white is known to keep your hair follicles healthy and moisturised. It not only promotes hair regrowth but also make your hair soft and silky.
Egg White Powder

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