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Yerba Mate Powder Extract 4.1

  • Yerba Mate Powder Extract 4.1

Product Name: Yerba Mate Powder Extract 4.1

Botanic Name: Â Ilex paraguariensis


Yerba mate is a plant species of the holly genus Ilex native to South America. It was named by the French botanist Augustin Saint-Hilaire. The leaves of the plant can be steeped in hot water to make a beverage known as mate. Brewed cold, it is used to make tereré. Both the plant and the beverage contain caffeine. Mate is traditionally consumed in central and southern regions of South America, primarily in Paraguay, as well as in Argentina, Uruguay, Southern Brazil, the Gran Chaco of Bolivia, and southern Chile. Yerba mate can now be found worldwide in various energy drinks as well as being sold as a bottled or canned iced tea. Yerba mate contains three xanthines: caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline, the main one being caffeine. Yerba mate also contains elements such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Yerba mate is widely available in health food stores and online. People who recommend yerba mate say that it can relieve fatigue, aid in weight loss, ease depression, and help treat headaches and various other conditions. There's limited evidence that yerba mate may help with some of these conditions. When taken by mouth: Yerba mate is possibly safe when used for up to 12 weeks. 

Yerba Mate Powder Extract 4.1

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