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Coconut Fractionated Oil MCT Organic

  • Coconut Fractionated Oil MCT Organic

Product Name: Coconut Fractionated Oil MCT Organic

Botanic Name: Cocos nucifera.


Coconut Fractionated Oil MCT Organic 100% Pure

Extraction Method: Esterification

Processing Type: Refined

Obtained From: 100% Organic Coconut Kernel

Origin: India

Color: Clear, colourless to slight pale yellow liquid.

Aroma: Coconut Fractionated Organic Oil has a characteristic scent to it.

Consistency: Typical and Characteristic of Carrier Oils.

Absorption: Non-greasy and absorbs easily into the skin.

The term Triglyceride refers to the number of carbon atoms in the fatty acids. Long-Chain Fatty Acids contain 13–21 carbons, Medium-Chain Fatty (MCT) Acids have 6-12 carbon atoms, and Short-Chain Fatty Acids have fewer than 6 carbon atoms. The benefits of the shorter chain length of the fatty acids is that MCTs are rapidly broken down and absorbed into the body. NDA's Medium Chain Triglycerides – MCT 60/40 Oil is made of Caproic Acid (C6), Caprylic Acid (C8), and Capric Acid (C10) fatty acids.

Description: The vast majority of MCT 60/40 Oil sold in the market is of Palm origin or a mixture of Palm and Coconut. Our Coconut Fractionated Oil is produced 100% from organic Coconuts.

The MCT 60/40 Fractionated 100% Coconut Organic Oil (Coconut Fractionated) does not go solid at room temperature. This oil stays liquid and clear. It is highly stable and resistant to oxidation for use in creams, lotions, and many other cosmetic preparations for skin and hair. Because it is chemically indifferent to other cosmetic ingredients, it acts as a viscosity regulator and assists in the dispersion of pigments and other additives. Further, it penetrates the skin readily, thus acting as a carrier for trans dermal therapeutic ingredients. This ability to transport Essential Oils and actives makes it an oil of choice among medical practitioners and massage therapists.
Our Coconut Fractionated Organic Oil meets the quality standards of the FDA, Health Canada, and the European Pharmacopoeia for use in Health & Beauty products.

Attention: Allergic reactions to this oil for people who are allergic to nuts and nut oils.

Storage: Keep in cool dark place to prolong shelf life.

Shelf Life: Up to 36 months.

Coconut Fractionated Oil MCT Organic

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