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Aromatherapy in Jar

Aromatherapy in Jar

Our aroma in the jar fragrances oils is easy to use and portable. Simply, remove the lid, breath normally and go about your regular activities. Each bottle scents up to 400 sq. ft. All of our aromas in the jar made with 100% pure therapeutic essential oils. The oils and fragrances are simple to care for and require virtually no maintenance. Although the jars can be left open at all times, most like to close the lid when it is not in use so the product lasts longer. Before reopening, give the jar a quick shake to moisten the entire sponge, this will encourage the scent into the room. These oils are not meant to be used on the skin although they are 100% essential oils. It is strongly suggested that a glass or ceramic coaster be placed under the jar in case of spillage. As per normal practice during pregnancy, check with your health care professional, before using this or any other natural massage oils or aromatherapy.

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